Online businesses are not exempt from local laws and regulations in Vietnam. You will need to accomplish the following to conduct your business activities in e-commerce.
- Company registration. You must register your company before conducting any transactions or business activities. The percentage of allowed foreign ownership depends on your planned business activities. Emerhub’s consultants will assist you with company registration. This includes selecting the most suitable business classification for your company.
- Trading/retailing license. You must have a retailing license if you will be selling directly to the end customer.
- App/website registration as an e-commerce platform. Registration is necessary for websites or applications that serve as e-commerce platforms where other sellers and buyers conduct transactions.
Depending on the products you intend to sell, you may also need the following:
- Import license. If you need to source your product from outside Vietnam, you will need an import license. It is also possible to import products into Vietnam without a license through an importer of record. Emerhub can serve as your importer of record in Vietnam.
- Product registration. In Vietnam, registration is necessary for some products. Some examples of these include medicine, medical devices, cosmetics, processed foods and beverages, and publications. Our consultants will advise you if your products require registration. We will also facilitate registration for relevant products.
- Intellectual property protection. If you are selling a product created by your company, protect your intellectual property. This ensures that only you will be able to manufacture and sell it. Emerhub can also facilitate this process for you.